HR Insights

Downsizing Done Right: A Humane Approach

Discover how to execute downsizing with empathy and effectiveness in our latest blog post. Learn essential strategies and tips.


Isabel García

HR Consultant

Downsizing: A Compassionate Approach for Success

13 of September, 2023

So you need to downsize your company. This is never an easy decision, and it requires care and consideration to get it right. You know that your employees are people with lives, responsibilities, and feelings—not just numbers on a balance sheet.

In today’s digital age, efficient document management is essential. While downsizing may be necessary for business reasons, how you go about it says a lot about your company culture and values. It’s important to approach the process strategically and humanely.

With open communication, fairness, and compassion, you can make the difficult but necessary staff reductions while still honoring your employees’ dignity and contributions. Done right, downsizing can be an opportunity to restructure for efficiency without sacrificing your company’s soul.

It may not be possible to make everyone happy, but you can aim to make the process as humane and caring as possible, all while keeping your documentation organized and accessible with a document management tool. Your employees will appreciate your transparency and thoughtfulness. And you’ll have done right by them and by your organization as a whole.

Understanding the Need for Downsizing

Downsizing is never an easy decision, but sometimes it’s necessary to ensure the long-term success of a company.

When it’s time to cut staff

If revenue is down significantly or roles have become redundant, letting people go may be the responsible choice, as difficult as it is. Some signs it’s time to consider downsizing:

  • Sales have declined for multiple quarters with no turnaround in sight.
  • New technologies or automation have made certain jobs obsolete.
  • There is functional overlap and redundancy that is hampering productivity.
  • Expenses are outpacing revenue growth with no way to cut costs otherwise.

The key is to approach downsizing in an empathetic, thoughtful manner. Meet with managers to determine which roles are truly nonessential. Consider offering voluntary redundancy packages first. For those who are let go, provide ample notice and severance pay.

Have one-on-one conversations to break the news sensitively. Explain why the role is being eliminated and that it’s not a reflection of them or their work. Offer support in finding new employment, and provide letters of recommendation.

With compassion and open communication, downsizing can be navigated in a way that causes the least harm. The remaining team may feel anxious, so be transparent about the company’s direction and reassure them of their value. With the right strategy and tools like Sesame’s HR software, you can ensure your downsized company is set up for future success.

Implementing a Strategic and Compassionate Downsizing Plan

Once you’ve made the difficult decision to downsize, it’s time to implement a strategic and compassionate plan.

Focus on Roles, Not People

Look at your organizational roles and structure, not specific employees. Determine which positions you need to eliminate to operate efficiently. This allows you to make objective decisions based on business needs.

Communicate with Transparency

Speak honestly with your team about why downsizing is necessary and how it will impact the company’s future. Share details on timelines, next steps and how remaining employees will be supported. Transparency and open communication help reduce uncertainty and build trust.

Provide Generous Transition Packages

Offer a minimum of 2-4 weeks’ severance pay for each year of service. Providing career transition services, continued benefits and job placement assistance is ideal. Help employees update their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. The more you can do to help them land on their feet, the better.

Meet One-on-One

Speaking with employees individually allows you to have caring, compassionate conversations. Thank them for their contributions, explain their termination package, and discuss how they can transition to new opportunities. Offer letters of recommendation and provide a point of contact as a reference for their job search.

Support Remaining Employees

Meet with remaining team members as quickly as possible. Reassure them of their value and explain how downsizing impacts their roles. Be transparent about future company plans and address any concerns.

Offer additional assistance like flexible work schedules or counseling services if needed. Your team’s wellbeing and productivity depend on properly supporting them through changes.

With the right approach, you can implement downsizing in a strategic yet humane way. Focusing on roles over people, communicating with care, and providing generous transition packages and individual support will help you navigate this difficult process successfully.

Supporting Employees Through a Downsizing Transition

The downsizing of a company often means difficult transitions for employees. As an HR manager or business owner, it’s important to support your staff during this time.

Communication is Key

Keep the lines of communication open. Explain the reasons behind the downsizing clearly and honestly. Be available to answer questions and address concerns. Let employees know the timeline and next steps as soon as possible so they can start planning accordingly.

Offer severance packages and career transition help. Providing severance pay, continuing benefits for a period of time, and career counseling or job placement services can help ease the burden on employees during their transition to a new job.

Provide References and Recommendations

For employees you have to let go, offer to provide positive letters of recommendation and be available as a reference for their job search. Your support and endorsement can go a long way in helping them find new opportunities.

Consider Retraining Programs

If some roles are being eliminated but you want to retain the employees, consider retraining programs to prepare them for new positions within the company.

Be transparent about the options and see if you can find a good match for their skills and interests. Retaining experienced staff through reassignment or retraining is ideal if possible.

A downsizing impacts people’s lives and livelihoods. While difficult business decisions sometimes must be made, how you treat your employees during the process says a lot about your company’s values and culture. Providing compassion and support for your staff will help ease the difficulties of transitioning to the next chapter.


You see, a compassionate and thoughtful approach to downsizing can make a huge difference. Treat your employees with dignity and respect. Communicate openly and honestly

Offer severance and career transition help. Make the process as painless as possible. Your company’s reputation and your own wellbeing will thank you for it.

Downsizing is never easy, but with empathy and care you can navigate it in an ethical way. Your remaining staff will appreciate your humanity. And you’ll be able to look back knowing you did the right thing during a difficult time.

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